Governance and Ethics Resources

Following the presentation by Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI and Machine Learning at World Economic Forum at the IAPA National Conference, "Advancing Analytics" 2020, Kay provided the following resources for the IAPA Community to explore:


Empowering AI Leadership 2.0


Provide a practical set of tools that can help corporate executives understand AI’s impact on their roles, ask the right questions, and make informed decisions on AI projects.


  • Create sustainable business supported by positive brand value
  • Enable executive stewardship in service of innovation
  • Promote informed business practice in the 4IR to elevate social impact

Explore more at

Responsible Limits on Facial Recognition


Create actionable guidelines to address human rights concerns arising from the use of facial recognition technology.


  • Enable government to protect citizens from various harms potentially caused by facial recognition technology
  • Provide actionable risk mitigation processesfor industry actors
  • Ensure the responsible use of facial recognition technology through third-party audit

Explore more at

Reimagining Regulation for the Age of AI


Co-design and testregulatory approaches and toolsto promoteinnovation, protect society from harm and buildpublic trustin AI.


  • Frame national and international conversations on regulating AI in a coherent and accessible way
  • Develop a roadmap for policymakers to facilitate their decisions about whether and how to regulate AI
  • Identify and iterate innovative regulatory approaches and tools for AI that could be scaled

Explore more at

Chatbots RESET


Design frameworks for governing chatbots in healthcare by bringing together chatbot developers, chatbot platforms, the medical community, civil society, academia and healthcare regulators


  • Enhance opportunities forglobal adoption of the use of chatbots in healthcare
  • Maximize the beneficial uses of chatbots in healthcare
  • Mitigate negative consequences of using chatbots in healthcare

Explore more at